
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of the Women Speak Out PAC, a super PAC aimed at amplifying the voices of women opposed to President Obama and his extreme abortion record. The super PAC’s first expenditure will be a $500,000 television ad buy concentrated in key media markets in Ohio, Virginia, and Florida, featuring spots entitled “How will you answer?” and “Abortion Radical.” The ads draw attention to Barack Obama’s abortion record including his opposition to legislation to provide equal treatment to babies born alive after a failed abortion.

For additional details please see www.womenspeakoutPAC.com.

“The Susan B. Anthony List began twenty years ago to amplify the voices of pro-life women across the country and lift up courageous female leaders. As we have grown, so has the number of women self-identifying as pro-life – so much so that in 2011 Gallup called pro-life the ‘new normal’ among all demographics,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.  “In overwhelming numbers, American women support bans on sex-selection (80 percent) and post-fetal pain (70 percent) abortions, and we recoil at the very thought of denying basic treatment and constitutional protection to babies born alive after failed abortions.

“Despite this shift in public opinion, the most pro-abortion president our nation has ever seen resides in the White House and is seeking a second term.  Cash is the culprit here. We will not sit back and allow deep-pocketed abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood and EMILY’s List claim to speak for all women. Their views – like those of President Obama – fly in the face of mainstream American women. The Women Speak Out PAC is another tool with which we will amplify the voice of pro-life women and expose the President’s true record on this issue.”

The launch of the Women Speak Out PAC comes on the heels of polling data released by the SBA List showing that President Obama loses support from likely swing voters once they are educated on his extreme abortion record. A majority of swing voters (54%) are less likely to vote for President Obama after learning that he voted against a law to give equal treatment to babies born alive after a failed abortion (35% much less likely). Key voter groups were also negatively impacted including independents (46%) and pro-choicers (43%).

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