How is your election day going?  I voted before 8:30a (CST) and in Pleasant Hill 1 I was the 147th person to vote.  As expected we are already hearing about election day shenanigans   I’m going to be updating this post throughout the day and evening.  Later I’ll be at the Republican Party of Iowa/Tom Latham/Mitt Romney – Iowa Victory Party in Des Moines, IA.  It will be held at the Embassy Suites and if you live in the area drop by and say hi.

We also have live coverage going on thanks to Watchdog Wire.  Be sure to check that out as well.  I wanted to share your stories from election day and a few people have contacted me already.  If you haven’t I’d like to hear from you.  My email is shane(at)  You can also tweet me at @shanevanderhart or @CaffThoughts.

Updates below (times are CST):

11:00p – Last update… I’ll recap State House and State Senate races tomorrow… I’m fried.  There are still a lot of ballots to be counted in the Wiggins retention election.  The Yes folks have quite a lead right now so I suspect he will be retained, but most of the votes that need to come are in rural areas where the no vote was strong in 2010.  Anyway, good night, and like I said this morning.  God is in control regardless of the outcome of this election.

10:49p – Congressman Tom Latham (R-IA) just gave a quasi-victory speech since the crowd is thinning out.  319 out of 381 precincts reporting in he’s widening his lead over Congressman Boswell (D-IA) – 53.2% to 46.8% so it’s pretty certain even though it hasn’t been officially called.  Congressman King has expanded his lead over Christie Vilsack – 55.6% to 44.4% with 372 of 490 precincts reporting in.

10:28p – Still too early to call it, but Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has a sizable lead over Christie Vilsack – 55.4% to 44.6% with 319 out of 490 precincts reporting in the Iowa 4th Congressional Race.  Congressman Tom Latham (R-IA) leads Congressman Leonard Boswell (D-IA) 52.2% to 47.8% with 270 of 381 precincts reporting in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District race.  It looks like Congressman Bruce Braley (D-IA) and Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA) will also win re-election in Iowa’s 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts respectfully.

10:22p – We’ll take some good news where we can get it.  Senator Bob Kerry (D-NE) was defeated by pro-life candidate Deb Fischer (R-NE).

10:16p – CBS called Iowa for Obama.  Fox News called Obama winner of Ohio.  With that President Obama will be re-elected.

10:14p – Heard from Iowa House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer and Iowa Senate Minority Leader Jerry Behn.  Iowa Republicans will keep the House.  Behn said Republicans only need to flip two seats.

10:03p – North Carolina is called for Romney, Virginia is leaning his way.

9:43p – Some Iowa results… not looking good at the moment.

  • House District 40 – Democrat John Forbes beats Republican Mike Brown this is a Democrat pick-up.
  • State Representative Ralph Watts keeps his seat in House District 19.
  • Joe Riding (D) beats Jim Carley (R) in House District 30 – this is a Democrat pick up.
  • Republican Jake Highfill won in House District 39
  • Polk County Sheriff Bill McCarthy defeats Dan Charleston

9:20p – In Indiana we now have Governor-Elect Mike Pence.   Susan B. Anthony List sent a statement out about this news:

“Mike Pence and Sue Ellspermann are both authentic pro-life, pro-woman leaders and the Susan B. Anthony List is thrilled with their victory tonight,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Hoosier women and families will be well served by this team. Both longtime pro-life advocates, Mike and Sue are committed to protecting every human life and understand that our communities only grow stronger when we build up women in leadership roles while at the same time protecting the rights of the unborn”

Mike Pence has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2001 and has a 100 percent pro-life voting record. Congressman Pence has led the charge to stop taxpayer funding from going to America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, and spearheaded the 2011 campaign to defund the organization through the Pence Amendment.

Sue Ellspermann was elected to the Indiana state legislature in 2010. She was featured in WORLD Magazine as an up and coming pro-life woman in politics. Ellspermann has earned a 100 percent pro-life voting record while in the legislature. She holds a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in industrial engineering from Purdue and the University of Louisville. Prior to serving in the Indiana Statehouse, Ellspermann founded a consulting business, directed the University of Southern Indiana’s Center for Applied Research and was actively involved with the Vanderburgh County Right to Life. The Pence-Ellspermann ticket is endorsed by Indiana Right to Life.

9:11p – Fox News calls the Missouri Senate race to Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) who will beat Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO).

9:07p – Montana and Utah goes to Romney.  Electoral count: Obama 163, Romney 162

9:05p – New Hampshire goes to President Obama… Ohio is definitely a must win.

8:44p – Sorry for the lack of updates, nothing really new to report.

8:35p – Congressman Pete Hokestra (R-MI) will lose his Michigan Senate race.

8:31p – New Mexico and Wisconsin have been called for the President.  I think it may be a tad early to call Wisconsin with only 2% in.  According to the map I did a couple of days ago Wisconsin was in the Romney column.  He now has to win Ohio (I had that as an Obama win).  Electoral count: Obama 158 , Romney 153

8:26p – Florida with 67% of the ballots counted has it dead even at 49.6%

8:21p – GOP picks up a Governor seat in North Carolina – McCroary will beat Dalton… perhaps a good sign for the Presidential race.

8:19p – Maine and Pennsylvania called for Obama… Electoral: Romney 153 Obama 143

8:16p – Senator Ben Nelson (D-FL) will win reelection over Connie Mack.

8:07p – New round of states called… Romney: Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Louisiana, North Dakota and South Dakota.  Obama: Michigan and New York.  Electoral count: Romney: 154, Obama: 123

8:03p – From Anita Morrill in Des Moines 4 – “Just had a middle aged mother “helping ” her 30 yr old looking son first time vote. She was telling him ‘Democrat, Democrat’ until finally the poll worker reminded her that she was supposed to help, not do it for him…..”

7:55p – I apologize for the lag.  We have Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas for Romney.  Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jeresy, and Rhode Island are now in President Obama’s column.  Electoral count – Romney 88 Obama 78.

7:02p – in the race to 270, Romney currently has a 49 to 3 electoral lead, but none of the traditional blue states (except Vermont) have been called.  There hasn’t been any toss-up states called either.  I’m going to head on over to the Iowa GOP election night party.  I’ll do another update when I get there.

6:56p – Georgia was just called for Romney.

6:47p – Back for a little while… While I was gone South Carolina and West Virginia were called for Romney.

6:16p – Last update for a little bit… I have to go play chauffeur apparently my girls’ 4-H leader doesn’t care it’s election night 🙂

6:12p – Here’s why you should ignore exit polls

6:08p – CNN exit poll has a 49% – 49% split in VA.

6:06p – Polls are officially closed… KY and IN has been called for Romney, and Vermont for Obama polls.

5:48p: Tweet from a friend of mine…




5:40p: International poll watchers are surprised that the United States doesn’t expect people to identify themselves before voting.

5:36p: CT contributor Anita Morrill is a poll watcher in Des Moines 4, and she said, “Poll worker Donna absolutely checking addresses on maps and challenging those who got absentee ballots. This county will be in trouble of she ever retires!”  She said people need to show proper respect and fear to the little old ladies who are running that polling place.

5:30p: A very dedicated Obama supporters votes while in labor.  Unfortunately she’s also misguided, “I grew up on Sesame Street and PBS.  He (Romney) wants to cut that. What will my daughter grow up on?”  Really?

California sees dead people – who are still voting.  Amazing!  I’m happy to see that Vice President Biden has a fall back plan should they lose tonight.

Read more:

5:23p: Holly on the Hill who lives in Utah said via email that it appears that Mia Love is in good shape in her congressional race.

5:18p: Angela in Gettysberg, PA told me they’re using paper ballots (we do as well) apparently in other areas in PA they’re using touch screens?

5:13p: Mark Lucas just tweeted out a map that should be helpful.  It has poll closing times (EST).




509p: AP exit polling shows that economy still top concern. Not surpirsed, but check this only 25% say they are better off today than they were 4 years ago.  That doesn’t bode well for the President.

5:06p: Drudge has some exit polling info.  So far they are saying (and this is by no means conclusive) that they indicate that Romney leads in Florida and North Carolina.  President Obama leads in Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada.  Toss-ups: Virginia, Colorado, and Iowa.  No word on Wisconsin.  He said that President Obama has 190 electoral votes locked and Governor Romney has 191.

4:57p: Just got off the phone with Mark Lucas, the Iowa State Director with Americans for Prosperity, he said that in his home county, Johnson County (which is a Democratic stronghold) that voter turnout is good – in that it is low.  He said the county auditor said that voter turnout is the lowest it has been in 30 years.  He said AFP just did 100,000 GOTV calls in Iowa, and yesterday they knocked on 1,100 doors in Carroll, IA.  Carroll County went for President Obama last time and they are considered a bellwether county.

 Lucas said, “Our ground effort is going very, very well and I think momentum is in our favor.”

4:00p: Here are some stories that I have received.  If you encounter some discrepancies let me know it doesn.  Feel free to also leave your story in the comments and I’ll “promote” it up to the thread.  Be sure to check back often and/or refresh as I will be updating.
From Trina  in Colfax, IA
The poll worker in Colfax is STILL not letting me sit or stand in a position where I can see who is coming in to vote prior to the person casting the vote. There is no way to challenge the vote unless I can see if the name matches my list. And I can’t see if the person already voted absentee or not. The guy is being a total horse’s you know what. The Romney lawyers thought they had the issue resolved so I went back to the poll and the jerk is still not letting me see the declaration pages as the voter is filling it out. He is only letting me see the pages of the people that have already voted. All I can hope for is that the poll workers are being honest and making people cast provisional ballots if there are any questions about their eligibility. I’m about ready to blow my top so I think it’s just better if I stay away and let the lawyers deal with it.
Nicole in Windsor Heights, IA
WH2 at 7:15 a.m. Female voter husband had trashed ballot. She was allowed to vote regular ballot(not provisional). The poll workers did contact the Auditor’s office and they gave the poll workers clearance. Full house but no lines.
Debbie in Exline, IA
In our polling place many more farmers than in prior experience, and questioning the precinct leaders on the assuredness that the vote they cast will not be able to be replicated any where else. A lot more activity in Exline Iowa!
Carole & Scott in Urbandale, IA
Scott & I went to Urbandale Precinct #9 in the Urbandale Library today with voter id in hand.  We changed our registration when we applied for an address change on our license on October 23rd.  The cards came in the mail just a couple of days later.  We got in line in our precinct and were told we were not on the list.  We were asked to go next door and see if we were on their list.  We were not on the Precinct #10 list either.  The people in that line asked us to get in a different line with someone who could go on-line and confirm what precinct we should vote in.  She agreed we should be in #9 and walked us back and put us in yet another line to fill out another form.  The person at the head of this line signed the form with us and sent us to get our ballot.  I was voter #540 at approximately 1 pm.  I think the whole rigmarole only added 15 minutes to the whole process.  Interesting being in a V line with no waiting for the first time in 19 years.  As my transplants friends like to say, “You’re not in Pella anymore Dorothy.”

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