I’m late doing this and I made some primary endorsements where I felt an endorsement from me would do the most good.  That said I did want to highlight some candidates in Iowa’s Congressional, Iowa House and Iowa Senate races that I hope would have your support.  Most of these won’t come as any surprise to those of you who have been readers here for awhile.  I’m not taking time to weigh in on races that are not contested.  For example neither  State Senator Randy Feenstra in Iowa Senate District 2 or State Representative Jeff Smith in Iowa House District 1 have a general election opponent.  If either of them did I would be happy to endorse them.

Iowa Congressional Races

  • Iowa 1st Congressional District: Ben Lange – I was happy to endorse Ben in the primary and I believe that he would serve Northeast Iowa well as a member in Congress.  As I mentioned before Ben is a solid conservative who is solidly pro-life and advocates a limited government.  Iowa 1st Congressional District deserves better than Congressman Bruce Braley, and they would have that in Ben Lange.
  • Iowa 2nd Congressional District: John Archer – I didn’t endorse in that district’s Republican primary mainly because I didn’t know the candidates well enough.  Since then I’ve taken the time to learn more about John.  Most important to me, he is prolife.  Also, his resume is impressive with a business background in manufacturing, and as an attorney understands the legal and regulatory challenges they face.  He will be a pro-business and pro-jobs conservative in Congress.  Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District has not been served well by Congressman Dave Loebsack and so I hope you send John to represent you instead.
  • Iowa 3rd Congressional District (my district): Congressman Tom Latham – I have had the opportunity to interview Congressman Latham on two different occasions.  He has been a tireless advocate for Iowans.  He is prolife.  He wants to rid us of Obamacare, he believes education belongs at the local and state level, and he wants to ease the regulatory burden on our job creators.  Congressman Leonard Boswell has done what?  Nothing.  He has no notable achievement except caving to Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.  Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District needs a representative who will work for us, and that person is Tom Latham.
  • Iowa 4th Congressional District: Congressman Steve King – Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten to know Congressman King quite well.  Not only have I listened to his speeches and to the debates he participated in with Christie Vilsack.  I have also interviewed him, talked with him on the phone and have met with him on numerous occasions.  He is a friend of Caffeinated Thoughts, and a dedicated public servant.  He is a man of integrity.  He is consistent, and those who care about the unborn, a strong economy, and a strong national defense have no greater friend in Congress than Steve King.  His opponent, Christie Vilsack, has shown herself to not only be a lightweight concerning issues facing Congress, but has also been unscrupulous in her attacks on Congressman King.  Iowa’s 4th Congressional District deserves better than Vilsack.

Iowa Legislative Races

Again a reminder that I’m not endorsing in uncontested races and so there are a number of people not listed.  There are contested races where I am not endorsing because I can’t endorse either candidate.  That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t vote for a particular candidate in that race, but I don’t see a vote being on the same level as an endorsement.  These are people I will vouch for.  They are all prolife, they are good on school choice, they are good on local control in education, they are good on the 2nd Amendment, and most (I wasn’t able to obtain this information so I can’t say all) are in favor of a marriage amendment.  All are also fiscal conservatives though I’m sure there are differences in opinion among this group.  They all would be head and shoulders above their opponents and I commend them to you if you live in their districts.

Iowa House Races:

House District 2: Megan Hess
House District 7: Tedd Gassmann
House District 12: Barney Bornhoft
House District 13: Jeremy Taylor
House District 15: Mark Brandenburg
House District 16: Mary Ann Hanusa
House District 18: Jason Schultz
House District 19: Ralph Watts
House District 20: Clel Baudler
House District 21: Jake Drake
House District 25: Julian Garrett
House District 27: Joel Fry
House District 28: Greg Heartsill
House District 39: Gabe Swersie
House District 30: Jim Carley (Jim received a primary endorsement)
House District 33: Daniel LeRette
House District 34: Patti Branco
House District 35: Terrance Williams
House District 37: John Landon
House District 38: Kevin Koester
House District 40: Mike Brown
House District 43: Chris Hagenow
House District 47: Chip Baltimore
House District 48: Robert Bacon
House District 49: Dave Deyoe
House District 56: Bob Hager
House District 58: Brian Moore
House District 60: Walt Rogers
House District 61: Lyn Tackett
House District 63: Sandy Salmon
House District 64: Jim Givant
House District 67: Kraig Paulsen
House District 71: Allen Burt
House District 72: Dean Fisher
House District 75: Dawn Pettengill
House District 76: David Maxwell
House District 77: Steve Sherman
House District 79: Guy Vander Linden
House District 80: Larry Sheets
House District 81: Blake Smith
House District 83: James Steffen
House District 89: Bill Edmond
House District 90: Mark Riley
House District 92: Ross Paustian
House District 93: Mark Nelson
House District 94: Linda Miller
House District 99: Paul Kern

Iowa Senate Races:

Senate District 4: Dennis Guth
Senate District 6: Mark Segebart
Senate District 8: Al Ringgenberg
Senate District 14: Amy Sinclair (endorsed in primary)
Senate District 16: David Scott Edwards
Senate District 18: Vicki Stogdill
Senate District 24: Jerry Behn
Senate District 26: Merlin Bartz
Senate District 28: Michael Breitbach
Senate District 30: Matt Reisetter
Senate District 34: Ryan Flood
Senate District 36: Jane Jech (endorsed in primary)
Senate District 38: Tim Kapucian
Senate District 40: Ken Rozenboom
Senate District 42: Larry Kruse
Senate District 44: Brad Bourn
Senate District 46: Shawn Hamerlinck
Senate District 49: Andrew Naeve

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