University of Vermont campus

I don’t think my disdain for public employee unions is a big secret.  I’m on record calling them anathema a few times.  So it warms my heart to see that the University of Vermont of all places rebuffed the local National Education Association (NEA) affiliate’s attempt to unionize them.  They had been trying to get this done for the past three years.

Not only did NEA lose in their attempt to unionize the 779 office workers at the University of Vermont, they were utterly destroyed in the vote 443-189.  The Burlington Free Press called this a stunning defeat.  It’s not the type of defeat that I’d expect to happen in Vermont.

I’m sure they’ll eventually end up unionized like it seems the rest of the campus faculty and staff are, but at least the NEA this time around won’t be the ones to do it.

I wonder how much this venture cost them.  This has to hurt considering they’ve been bleeding members.   They’ve got to be pretty desperate with less money to line the union bosses pockets and to pay off politicians with.

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