hillary-clinton1Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was scheduled to appear before the House Foreign Affairs Committee to testify about the attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya.  She fainted and sustained a mild concussion while she was sick with the flu late last week.  Because of this she will not appear before the committee.  Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton accused her of faking the illness to avoid having to give testimony.  The State Department denies that claim.  I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Perhaps it is because I don’t live in the Beltway so I’m unaccustomed to how things operate there, but with normal people if you have to cancel, you reschedule.  I don’t care if they can’t get it done until she’s a private citizen – subpoena her if necessary.  Unless Congress let’s her off the hook she should testify, and with the internal State Department review that led to four State Department employees losing their jobs it makes it even more imperative.

We need to know what she knows.  Americans deserve to hear the truth about the Benghazi consulate attack, and Secretary Clinton should not be given a pass – whether it damages a potential 2016 presidential run is irrelevant.

If she doesn’t step up voluntarily then Congress should compel her and hold her in contempt if she doesn’t comply.

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