68826643Iowa Senate Republicans filed legislation yesterday that would help protect the voting system in Iowa. The legislation would require a voter to show a photo ID when they arrive at their polling place to cast their ballot.

“Showing proof of identity on Election Day is reasonable and will help protect and enhance the voting system in Iowa,” said Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix (R-Shell Rock). “This bill would provide security to the election process and help prevent voter fraud.”

The legislation would allow voters to bring someone with a photo ID to their polling place on Election Day to attest to their identity if they do not have a photo ID. It would also allow students to use their school ID as long as it has an expiration date. If a person is unable or refuses to present proof of identification or if the precinct official determines the proof of identification does not meet specified identification requirements the person will be offered a provisional ballot.

“We have a great voting system in place but it could be better,” said Senator Kent Sorenson, sponsor of the bill. “Elections in Iowa are too important to not be protected.”

“Thirty-one states already have some sort of voter ID requirement and 15 of those states require photo ID,” said Dix. “This is common sense legislation that verifies identity to protect the integrity of our election process.”

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