DSCN0437DES MOINES – Iowa Senate Democrats blocked a measure yesterday that would attempt to give the $800 million in over-collection of tax revenue back to Iowans.

“The Iowa Senate is off to a decent start in making sure we reduce property taxes. We at least took a baby step toward reducing the property tax burden on Iowans,” said Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix (R-Shell Rock).

Senate Republicans proposed an amendment to Senate File 53 that would return the money in the Taxpayer Trust Fund to the taxpayer in the form of a tax credit. It is estimated that the credit would be approximately $375 a taxpayer or $750 for a family on their 2013 tax return. Senate Democrats refused to take up the amendment and ruled it non-germane.

“However, it is bittersweet that Democrats made a decision to block a vote to return to hard-working Iowans their overpayment of taxes. Additionally, Senate Democrats voted down an amendment making the property tax relief permanent,” said Dix. Senate Republicans proposed a second amendment to Senate File 53 that would make the property tax relief proposed in the bill permanent. Senate Democrats objected to the permanent relief for Iowans and unanimously voted against it. Senate Republicans voted in favor of final passage of SF 53, which provided $38.9 million in property tax relief.

Photo by Sarah Brooks

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