I just saw an excellent video that I wanted to share with you.Ā  It features Christopher Tienken who is an assistant professor of education administration at Seton Hall University.Ā  He speaks out against the current school reform movement’s focus on standardizing knowledge and creating a “one-size-fits-all” model of education. Ā He gives a clear call for us to return to local control. Ā Tienken tears down much of the philosophy behind why the Common Core State Standards were written.

Money quote for me at least was this, ā€œIt is utterly anti-intellectual to think that standardizing knowledge is going to lead to creativity and innovation.Ā  Itā€™s not logical.ā€Ā  HeĀ doesn’tĀ pull any punches.

He makes, I believe, a compelling case and one that should be shared with your state legislators, especially if you live in a state that has adopted the Common Core State Standards.Ā  So please do share this video with them.

HT: Truth in American Education

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