1e95232a_nanny-stateIowa Senate Democrats are embracing nanny statism this session in the form of at least two bills that I am aware of.Ā  The bills represent a statist position, plan and simple.

The first is a bill that cleared the Iowa Senate Transportation Committee last week.Ā  Senate File 27 introduced by State Senators Amanda Ragan (D-Mason City) and Daryl Beall (D-Ft. Dodge).Ā  It basically states that Iowa motorists would have to have their headlights on while operating their windshield wipers.Ā  This is a priority?Ā  First off,Ā  I recall being trained to do this during driverā€™s education so itā€™s something I and most Iowans practice already.Ā  Secondly, if Democrats were so concerned about traffic safety why didnā€™t they pass this years ago when they had control of the House, Senate and the Governorā€™s office?Ā  Third, it is becoming a moot issue when most new cars have headlights that are on all of the time.

Iā€™m not saying that having your headlights on while using your wipers are a bad thing, but I donā€™t believe it needs to be mandated.Ā  Weā€™ve gone this long without it being a law so why do we suddenly ā€œneedā€ to do this now?

The second bill is SF 248 sponsored by State Senator Herman Quirmbach (D-Ames) it would ban those under the age of 18 from using tanning beds.Ā  House File 257 is the House companion bill sponsored by State Representatives Lisa Heddens (D-Ames) and Todd Taylor (D-Cedar Rapids) Now do kids need to be using tanning beds a lot?Ā  Probably not.Ā  Do they need to be drinking a ton of Monsters, eating a bunch of junk food, spending hours playing XBox, and other things that canā€™t really be considered healthy behavior?Ā  No, not really.

Is it the Stateā€™s role to control this?Ā  Absolutely not.Ā  It is the parentā€™s job to restrict teens if they donā€™t believe those activities to be healthy.Ā  Youā€™d think these particular Democrats would like to emulate New York City.Ā  Are they going to ban trans fat and Big Gulps as well?

Then there is a gun control bill, SF 233, introduced in the education committee of all places which threaten your 2nd Amendment rights.Ā  This bill was sponsored by State Senators Jack Hatch (D-Des Moines), Bill Dotzler (D-Waterloo), Liz Mathis (D-Cedar Rapids), Steve Sodders (D-Marshalltown) and Daryl Beall (D-Ft. Dodge).

Beware of government that wants to wrap its ā€œloving armsā€ around you.Ā  This is about them having control, not your well being.

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