Gun Rights - Second Amendment

Do the liberal politicians who favor gun control measures, especially confiscation, understand the problems they would create if they implemented such policies, or do they even care? I have known many men who are hard core NRA members. Many of them would rather die than give up their guns….still more of them would decide to fight if the order came through to confiscate their guns, and that would be messy.

A lot of the men I have known who wouldn’t give up their guns are very good marksmen, and some of them are veterans. They know what to do with a gun and while law enforcement would have a definite advantage with all their technology and firepower there would be some BATF, DHS, and other Federal police officers losing their lives. It would be bloody. It would be messy.

I don’t know if the liberal politicians like Andrew Cuomo or Diane Feinstein understand this, but I know these people. As the motto goes, “I will give up my gun when they pry my cold dead fingers from around it,” will hold true, especially if the gun control advocates ever pushed for gun confiscation.

Photo Credit: Publik16 via Flickr (CC-By-NC-SA 2.0)

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