My wife and I saw 42 last night.  This movie is about Jackie Robinson’s assent into major league baseball being the first black to do so – something that was unthinkable in 1947.  Brooklyn Dodges General Manager Branch Rickey played by Harrison Ford decided he wanted to break the unwritten code of segregation.  We saw the incredible courage Robinson had in the face of racism, being run out of Sanford, FL,  Jim Crow laws, intense racial heckling and even death threats.

A couple of moments in the film that stood out for me was when Rickey said to Robinson (played by Chadwick Boseman) that he needed somebody with the guts to not fight back when he faced vitriol, abuse and racial slurs.  He needed to “turn the other cheek, just like our Savior.”  He needed to be accepted as a gentleman and ball player.  Later while in Philadelphia after enduring a one racial slur after another from the Phillies team manager while at bat, Rickey told him that he didn’t understand what Robinson was going through that he was the one “living the sermon.”

Another moment that stood out from the film (even though its historical accuracy is in question) was when National League standout, Kentucky native and teammate Pee Wee Reese (played by Lucas Black) approached Robinson while they were warming up at Crosley Field in Cincinnati.  While he endured harassment from  racists in the stands, stood next to Robinson and put his arm around him.  Reese said, “thank you Jackie.”  Robinson asked, “for what?”  Then Reese said, “I have friends and family from Louisville here (who wouldn’t approve of him playing with a black man) and I want them to see the man that I am.”  The racial slurs quieted, the game proceeded.

While that moment certainly was filled with dramatic flair; moments like it could have taken place through Robinson’s time with the team on and off the field.  Bridges were built, stereotypes were torn down
 not only for his team and Major League Baseball, but for the nation.

One theme present in the movie that Cheryl and I discussed that marked not only Robinson’s achievement, but for the civil rights movement in general was decency.  Robinson deserved decency and respect simply because he was a human being made in the image of God.  He deserved a chance in the major leagues because he had God-given talent.

The civil rights movement fought for equality, to strike down Jim Crow laws enforcing segregation, and for blacks (and really all people) to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of the color of skin.

This movie also reinforced my disappointment of how homosexuals are likening their efforts to change the definition of marriage and fighting for their rights with the Civil Rights movement.  It’s really like comparing apples and oranges.

Homosexuals should be treated with dignity and respect because they are fellow human beings, but their agenda doesn’t stop there.

For instance think about what going on with the Boy Scouts of America and their decision to as to whether or not to allow openly gay scouts and leaders into their program.  There is a potential compromise where openly gay scouts (who self-identify, but don’t act out) will be accepted, but gay leaders will not.

The point was made on Jan Mickelson’s show on WHO Radio this morning that the Scouts already had a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of sorts in place already.  Their application doesn’t ask for prospective leader’s sexual orientation, and the discussion of sexual orientation (or sex in general) is not part of the Scouting program.

So why the push to be “openly gay” unless it is something they want to talk about with Scouts and during meetings?  That would be wholly inappropriate as it would be for a heterosexual leader to discuss to talk about sex – that is not why the Boy Scouts exist.

So what’s the goal here?  They’re already allowed if they don’t talk about it which is something they shouldn’t be doing anyway.

Robinson wanted acceptance as a person.  Homosexuals want acceptance of their behavior.

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