David Vaudt(DES MOINES) – Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today thanked state Auditor David Vaudt for his service as Iowa’s “Taxpayer Watchdog,” and wished him well as the new chairman of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

Vaudt, who served as Iowa’s state auditor from January 2003 to present, announced today that he is resigning his post following his election to chair the GASB.

Gov. Branstad’s statement on Auditor Vaudt:

“David Vaudt has been a dedicated public servant for the taxpayers of Iowa, and we will miss his incredible work as steward of our tax dollars. David embodied the principles of good budgeting, including not spending more than we take in, and avoiding the use of one-time money for ongoing expenses. David was an outstanding state auditor and will be very difficult to replace. I will look for a replacement who shares David Vaudt’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and knowledge of sound budgeting principles

Lt. Gov. Reynolds praised Vaudt’s commitment to rooting out budget mismanagement on behalf of taxpayers:

“Auditor Vaudt was instrumental in finding cases of budget mismanagement at both the state and local governmental levels, and ensuring those problems were fixed before causing further harm to taxpayers. In looking out for Iowa taxpayers, David Vaudt was always fair in his dealings with local and state officials. You always knew you could count on him for thoughtful audits, information and recommendations. Because of David Vaudt’s outspoken leadership on behalf of Iowa’s taxpayers, our office worked with him to put Iowa’s budget on sound financial footing for the first time in years. It has been a pleasure to work with him on behalf of Iowa’s taxpayers, and his leadership will be missed.”

Branstad notes the search for Vaudt’s replacement will begin immediately.


Details on appointing a new state auditor are as follows:

  • According to Iowa Code Chapter 69, when there is a vacancy in the office of auditor, the governor has the duty to fill the office by appointment.
  • Until an auditor is appointed by the governor, the governor is responsible for maintaining the office and its records in the interim.
  • The person appointed by the governor will serve through the end of the current unexpired term.
  • The next election for auditor will occur during the next regularly scheduled election in 2014.
  • The salary of the auditor is fixed by the General Assembly.

Further information will be available soon for those interested for consideration in serving as Iowa’s next state auditor.

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