science trailLast week I noted my concern about the Common Core curriculum for our schools and how it appears to be a beer bong for American education. In many ways, it is a vehicle for progressive activists to spread their philosophies and propaganda to our children through a conduit designed very effectively to serve their needs.

My concern was heightened this week by an article in the New York Times announcing a new system for teaching science throughout our K-12 education system. The same group that was the primary authors of the Common Core has also coordinated Next Generation Science Standards to be used to instruct our children on a science related curriculum. It follows the same pattern as the Common Core has for Math and English instruction so it effectively can be called the Common Core Science Standards.

In a nutshell, after reviewing the information, I have to conclude that the Next Generation Science Standards are more about promoting an ideology than they are about science. Throughout the curriculum the topic of global warming (climate change) is taught as a fact rather than a concept. In addition, the syllabus is full of references to humans’ negative impact on our environment and what can be done about it. It suggests throughout that industry (meaning the private sector) causes irreparable harm to the environment. In addition, the study of chemistry is eliminated along with chemistry labs.

This is one more instance that confirms to me that centralization of education, especially on a national basis is a colossal mistake and a classic failure. One might conclude that we could refuse to implement these teachings on a state level, and we could, but I suspect the clowns that put this together have already been to the book publishers to get it written into texts that will be used by most of our schools.

Photo credit: University of Salford via Flickr (CC By 2.0)

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