terry-mcauliffeWASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Women Speak Out Virginia, a connected PAC of the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, announced a $50,000 radio ad buy targeting Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe for his opposition to common ground abortion center health and safety standards. Last year, the Virginia Health Commissioner reported to the Board of Health that more than 80 violations were discovered in abortion centers across the Commonwealth. The ad will run on Adult and Soft Contemporary and Newstalk stations in the Northern Virginia, Richmond and Norfolk media markets for two weeks.

“In light of Kermit Gosnell’s ‘house of horrors,’ it is an outrage that anyone who purports to care about women would oppose efforts to ensure that Virginia women are treated with basic dignity and respect. More than 80 violations have been discovered in Virginia abortion clinics including blood-stained equipment and operating tables, improper disposal of fetal remains, staff failure to properly sanitize instruments, and even doctors performing exams with unwashed hands,” said Mallory Quigley, spokesperson for Women For Ken.  “Despite evidence that these common ground health and safety standards are needed, Terry McAuliffe refuses to defect from his abortion industry allies, who have vigorously fought these pro-woman efforts from the beginning. The Women Speak Out Virginia PAC will be calling out Terry McAuliffe’s shameful opposition to protecting Virginia’s women until Election Day.”

A partial script of the radio ad follows:

In the race for Governor…there’s one candidate who has taken extreme positions far outside the

mainstream….one candidate whose radical ideas are troubling to every woman in Virginia.

It’s Terry McAuliffe.

Just this month Terry McAuliffe opposed basic health and safety standards for some women’s health clinics that perform abortions.

McAuliffe refuses to require women’s health clinics to provide the same sanitary environment we expect of dental offices and hospitals.

McAuliffe is bowing to the political pressure from powerful corporations that run women’s health clinics.

Last month, McAuliffe’s campaign was asked by the Washington Post to confirm or deny his stance on abortion as being one of supporting “a platform of abortion on-demand at any time, for any reason, paid for by Virginia taxpayers,” including “sex-selective abortion, late-term abortion, partial-birth abortion, and abortions on teenage girls without parental consent – all paid for by Virginia taxpayers.” McAuliffe spokesman Josh Schwerin declined to comment to the Post.

You can listen to the ad below:

Photo Credit: Miller Center via Flickr (CC By 2.0)

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