voter-id1-300x231This past week I supported a common sense solution to voter fraud in Iowa. The amendment I supported requires a person to provide proof of identity to a precinct election official on Election Day before being allowed to vote. For example, it allows students to use their school ID as long as it bears an expiration date. The legislation lays out alternatives to the photo ID option, allowing voters to bring someone with a photo ID to attest to their identity to a precinct election official on Election Day.

Further, voters may vote provisionally on Election Day, if they do not have the proper documentation. The person casting a provisional ballot completes a statement of validity and an acceptable form of identification must be presented before the ballot is counted. The bill maintains current law allowing voter registration on Election Day, or in person, when voting early, provided they establish proof of identity and proof of residency.

Voter ID measures are meant to provide Iowans with greater confidence in casting their vote. Voter fraud in Iowa is a growing concern and has the potential to skew election results and damage the integrity of our election system. I believe any amount of voter fraud is unacceptable and should be stopped. Iowa voters recognize the value of having a fair and protected election system in place that allows citizens to cast their ballot without worry.

I am committed to strengthening our election process and providing Iowans a protected voting system in which every vote counts. The majority party must not be concerned with the integrity of Iowa’s election system as evidenced by the fact this legislation was voted down along party lines. The voting process in Iowa is too important to not have a voter ID measure in place and voter ID legislation is a common sense solution to the problem.

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