iowa-state-capitol-domeA couple of weeks ago Iowa House Republicans passed language in the Health and Human Services Budget that attempts to end the taxpayer funding of abortions.  This would affect Medicaid and State money that funnels to abortion providers.  That effort was rejected by the Iowa Senate, but is still a part of the negotiations ongoing in “conference committee,” which is a group of legislators working out a compromise in order to pass the budget.  Iowa Right to Life support all efforts to end the taxpayer funding of abortions in Iowa.

Iowa Right to Life had two main goals coming into this legislative session: to end webcam abortions and support other legislation that would save as many lives as possible.  We have supported a number of pro-life bills this year, from bans of all abortions in Iowa to bills that would save thousands of children from being killed before they are born. Iowa Right to Life has been at the capitol every day this legislative session building relationships, championing pro-life legislation and working with organizations that share our passion to advance a number of bills through a very divided legislature that would work toward ending abortions in our State.

It is possible this year’s legislative session will end as early as this weekend. There is still time for legislators in both chambers to pass meaningful legislation this year that would save lives!  With abortion providers increasingly caught breaking the law, mishandling Federal and State funds, and with the Kermit Gosnell trial pointing out the horrors that come with a culture that doesn’t respect human life; the time is now to push legislators in both chambers and from both parties to act to protect the most vulnerable among us.

Our lives are filled with tough choices.  But the greatest thing policymakers could do is protect those whose voices can’t yet be heard.  Please contact your State Representative and Senator TODAY by clicking here and ask him/her to stop all funding for entities that do or refer for abortion.

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