“I dismiss the premise, the idea that these are scandals,” Carney said flatly, calling the controversy over Benghazi a “total concoction by Republicans,” and the IRS scandal merely “inappropriate behavior” by the IRS.

Jay Carney

Jay Carney has become absolutely breathtaking in his willingness to spout unmitigated crap to the American people. I don’t remember anyone even in the Nixon Administration that was so willing to continue to make pronouncements that virtually everyone knew weren’t true. This guy appears to be in a class by himself. If there is a Mt. Rushmore to honor those who spread political bovine excrement, Jay Carney needs to have his face chiseled into the rock there.

Ben Stein wrote this last September: “Incredibly, Jay Carney, White House spokesman, is spinning a complete fairy tale that the Islamists really like America and Mr. Obama. The murderers are just upset about a movie trailer that came out months ago. How stupid do they think we Americans are? If Mr. Obama really believes (this), he belongs in a straitjacket. If not, his spokesman is the biggest fantasist of all time.”

I have concluded that Carney isn’t a fantasist. He’s just a guy that can maintain a whopper of a lie longer and better than anyone in recent memory. He’s the kind of a guy that, when the Emperor himself realizes that he has no new clothes and is in reality buck naked, can continue to tell the masses that the Emperor is wearing Armani. As I said, the guy appears to be in a class by himself. An artist, a master at his craft. A National Treasure.

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