Parent Led Reform, in collaboration with Truth in American Education, hosted a second rally via Twitter Thursday May 2nd. The #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally shared research diligently collected by parents, citizens, and education professionals concerned about the government’s push for national common standards in education with a wide reach of nearly 9.8 million Twitter users. Common Core standards are national K-12 education goals as defined by federal and state government.

“The response to our second #stopcommoncore Twitter rally was amazing,” says Shane Vander Hart, spokesperson for Truth in American Education. ”Parents and concerned citizens are awakening to this previously unknown revolution in education called the Common Core State Standards. ‘We the people’ are starting to have our voices heard. Last night we sent a strong message that education policy can not be decided by a handful of elites. ‘We the people’ through our elected representatives must have a say. Our kids deserve real reform, not a data-less, untested fad.”

But the action doesn’t end there. Parent Led Reform issued a challenge: “Join to make your state the first to repeal common core standards.”

“We have the attention of ordinary citizens and elected leaders alike and that puts us in a unique position,” said Karin Piper, Founder and Executive Director for Parent Led Reform. “We either simply objected to this federal overreach and left it at that – or- we actually do something about it. And we would rather give it our all and fix education for our kids than pick up our toys and go home.”

Piper said that Common Core Standards is taking the United Stated down the wrong road and citizens are calling on elected leaders to courageously admit to the mistake and change gears into reverse. Folks joining the action are asked to sign up via

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