The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell was one of those creepy stories that leaves a person with the feeling of “you have to be kidding me.” I have had friends over the years that were pro-choice, pro-abortion, etc., and the image that they convey is one of a reasonably painless and safe procedure that, though it kills an unborn baby, is humane. The story of Kermit Gosnell certainly raises the question about how abortions are conducted in the US? If Gosnell’s clinic was so horrible, are there others like his that have not been reported or prosecuted? Are abortion procedures really that safe and how many women are there that have suffered injury as the result of abortion complications?

Pro-lifers have long been saying that abortion is not safe, that it traumatizes the women who have had one, physically and emotionally.  Not to mention it kills their babies. Certainly as a society we need to rethink abortion and the trauma it causes. The reports that have come out about Dr. Gosnell’s clinic certainly shows that there is a need to better monitor abortion clinics around the country to make sure that they are not performing late term abortions, are in compliance with FDA regulations for sanitation, and are not committing the atrocities like those committed. The states also need to make the effort to prosecute abortion doctors and clinics that violate FDA regulations and who murder babies that survive abortion attempts. Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was rightly convicted of first-degree murder (even though it should have been on more than three counts).

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