Google Reader ClosedI just wanted to take care of a housekeeping item for Caffeinated Thoughts.  Google Reader is closing on July 1, and I know there are literally hundreds of subscribers to Caffeinated Thoughts using Google Reader.  If you read this and say “huh?” – this post isn’t for you.

If you are subscribed to our RSS feed in Google Reader you will need to find an alternative in order to still receive our updates.  There are several ways you can do this.

1. Alternative RSS Reader

Personally, I made the switch to Feedly.  They have mobile apps for Android and iOS, as well as, plug-ins for most web browsers.  I found the switch painless, but you need to move before July 1.  You can see a list of alternative feed readers here.

2. Subscribe via email

If you click over to the site (provided you’re reading this in a feed reader) and look over to the right sidebar.  You should see a box that says “Subscribe.”  Just enter your email and hit submit.  You’ll receive a validation email.  If you don’t see it be sure to check your spam folder.  This way our updates will hit your inbox on a daily basis.

3.  Keep updated via social media

If you haven’t liked our Facebook page, be sure to do that.  When you do, be sure to hover your mouse over the “Liked” button.  It will show a drop down menu.  Be sure you select “get notifications” and “show in news field” so you will be notified when we have updated and you’ll see it in your news feed.  You can also follow us on Twitter as well.  I’d encourage you to put us in a list so you won’t miss our updates in your Twitter feed if you follow a lot of people.  We also have a Google + page that you can follow as well.

So I’m curious, how do you receive our updates if you are a regular reader?

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