Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) pushing the current immigration reform bill floated by the Gang of 8 at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference today.

He actually said we’d be in decline as a nation if we don’t pass this bill because, drumroll please – Immigrants are more fertile!  Yes, he actually said that – below is video proof.


Via ABC News:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says the future of the American economy depends upon immigrants.

Speaking Friday to religious conservatives, Bush said that immigrants are particularly important to help create more taxpayers to fund the safety net for the large, retiring baby boomer generation.

“Immigrants create far more businesses than native-born Americans over the last 20 years,” he said, adding that immigrants also have more “intact families.”

“Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families,” he said

He said the nation must allow more immigrants “to pursue their dreams in our country with a vengeance to create more opportunities for all of us.”

“If we don’t do it, we will be in decline,” he told evangelical Christian activists.

“They bring a younger population,” Bush continued. “Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.”

He obviously meant that immigrant families tend to be larger because they don’t typically limit the size of their families.  Which is true for some cultures as they do have a have a higher fertility rate, but not every immigrant family collectively.  I can’t speak intelligently about their fertile though, and obviously neither can Governor Bush.

Immigration reform is a hard pill to swallow for conservatives, especially if it includes any type of amnesty.  I don’t think Governor Bush helped his case here.  He does bring up a potential problem in the United States with a population that is getting older with families that do tend to be smaller.  The left will probably go ballistic on just that idea alone.

I’m waiting to see if establishment Republicans come to his rescue like they did for Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO)
 oh wait.

HT: Gateway Pundit

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