Robert Zimmerman on Fox NewsRobert Zimmerman, Jr., George Zimmerman’s brother, was interviewed on Fox News today about the aftermath of the verdict.  He first noted that he and his family were afraid that the Obama Administration were tapping their phones.  He also talked about the pressure that the Justice Department was getting from groups like Rainbow Push, NAACP, as well as activists like Al Sharpton.

“I think Eric Holder is being pressured by some groups who were calling for, initially, just an arrest. These same groups keep moving around the goal posts: the NAACP, Al Sharpton, the Rainbow Push Coalition with Jesse Jackson,” Zimmerman said.

“First they wanted just a simple arrest and that’s it, have his fair day in court and whatever the verdict is, we’ll respect it. Then when the verdict was coming they wanted him to be found guilty. But the verdict isn’t what they wanted, so now they’re moving the goal post again, and calling on the Department of Justice to investigate him more,” he added.

“I understand the Justice Department’s responding to pressure,” Zimmerman continued. “But I think that the American people need a little bit of time to digest those two words ‘Not Guilty.’ It doesn’t mean nothing happened. I think most of the people who were upset with that outcome didn’t actually pay attention to the trial.”

You can watch the entire interview below:


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