
This was the top of the headline for our Iowa-based Drudge Report-like news aggregation site.  I’m not sure exactly what message they were trying to send here linking to an article on the liberal blog run by Time Magazine, The Swampland.  With all of the articles written about the event they choose to lead with this one which is pretty telling.

Zeke Miller writes:

Facing a generational divide that is sapping their relevance, a group of evangelical conservatives argued Saturday that they need to become even more vocal in their support for often unpopular social positions.

“Don’t agree with the establishment Republicans that we have to change our policies to be more like Democrats,” former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, who finished the 2012 presidential campaign as the runner-up to Republican nominee Mitt Romney and is contemplating a 2016 campaign, instructed a group of evangelicals gathered in Ames, Iowa.

But echoing others who said aggressive Democratic political strategies are a model worth emulating for Republicans, Santorum added: “But we do need to change our tactics to be more like Democrats.”

The refrain was a common theme throughout a summit of hundreds of Iowa conservatives organized by the group FAMiLY Leader, featuring a range of activists and politicians, from Santorum and Texas Senator Ted Cruz to National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown.

Since this is commentary, not news, I can only assume that whoever it is running these days agrees with Miller and believes social conservatives should shut up and that our issues are not worth fighting for.

If this site is still owned, if not managed, by Tim Albrecht who is Governor Terry Branstad’s communications director,  then I’m sorely disappointed especially since The FAMiLY Leader invited Governor Branstad to address the group.  This also perhaps sends the message to social conservatives that if you want a conservative-friendly news aggregation site maybe it’s time to look elsewhere.

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