(Des Moines, IA)  Americans for Prosperity – Iowa and National Review will cohost a U.S. Senate primary debate next Wednesday, October 23rd, in Des Moines. Candidates Sam Clovis, Joni Ernst, Paul Lunde, Scott Schaben, Matt Whitaker, and David Young will participate.

Iowa Senate Primary Debate

Wednesday, October 23

Doors open at 5:30 PM (all attendees must be seated by 6:45 PM)

Sheslow Auditorium (Drake University)
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311

“Americans for Prosperity looks forward to giving Iowans the opportunity to learn where the U.S. Senate candidates stand on the crucial issues of economic freedom and limited government,” explained Mark Lucas, Iowa state director of Americans for Prosperity. “This will be the first opportunity for the candidates to introduce themselves to a statewide audience.”

The debate will be moderated by Derrick Sontag, Vice-President of Americans for Prosperity, and questions posed by panelists Robert Costa of National Review and Kathie Obradovich of the Des Moines Register.

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