CT-2014-Iowa-U-S-Senate-Republican-Primary-Poll(Iowa City, IA) Americans for Prosperity – Iowa and National Review will be sponsoring the state’s first debate between Iowa’s Republican U.S. Senate Candidates at 7:00pm on October 23, 2013 at the Scheslow Auditorium on the campus of Drake University. Doors will open at 5:30pm.

The candidates who will be participating are: Professor Sam Clovis, Senator Joni Ernst, Scott Schaben, Matt Whitaker, and David Young. Mark Jacobs declined the invitation to participate.  The debate will focus on fiscal matters and healthcare.

The moderator for this event will be Derrick Sontag, Vice President of Americans for Prosperity. The questioning panel will also include Kathie Obradovich chief political columnist at the Des Moines Register and Robert Costa of National Review.

“Americans for Prosperity has been leading the fight for smaller government and deficit reduction,” said Iowa state director Mark Lucas. “This debate will offer Iowans the opportunity to learn more about the candidates vying for Iowa’s open senate seat.”

The debate will be open to the public. Ticketing is available to AFPIowa.com.

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