Kathleen Sebelius

(Washington, DC) The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a video today entitled #FireSebelius.  This follows an op/ed in written by RNC chair Reince Priebus calling on Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to be fired after the disastrous launch of the Obamacare website.

The RNC in the release of the video note that it has been two full weeks since its launch and the website still is not working.  Yesterday, a website design expert Luke Chung, said that the health care exchange was “not even ready for beta testing.”  This is a system that the Obama administration paid contractors $400 million to build.

All this money was spent and despite Secretary Sebelius’s confident predictions that it would be accessible and user-friendly it has been “an undeniable disaster,” the RNC noted in their released statement.

“There must be accountability for this astounding failure and waste of taxpayer money. We’re seeing more than just a ‘glitch’ or two; this is systemic failure,” said Priebus. “The Obama administration had red flags and warning signs that ObamaCare wasn’t ready for primetime, but Sebelius and company ignored them, flipped the switch and watched as the site crashed. Sebelius abused the trust and tax dollars of the American people. If this were a company and not the government, she’d already be gone. She should be fired.”

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