(Des Moines, IA) Iowa Right to Life just confirmed today that Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is closing four clinics in the next month.

“Ankeny, Fort Dodge, Mount Pleasant and Washington, Iowa, will see the abortion giant leave their town,” stated Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life. “This means that in the last year and a half we have seen TEN clinics close for good. We know that not only are the lives of the unborn safer when they leave, but so are the lives of the women seeking their services.”

“We could not be experiencing this unprecedented activity were in not for the faithful supporters of LIFE in these cities. For example, Ankeny, once a webcam abortion location, has seen a steady decrease of business in recent years. This has been one of the most active 40 Days for Life prayer vigil sites in Iowa.”

As this is a developing story, please be watching for all the details as we learn them.

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