State Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak), who is running for U.S. Senate, was mentioned over the weekend by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who pointed out in her “notes from the Capitol” her opposition to Medicaid expansion when she wrote that new Medicaid recipients “have no personal responsibility for their health.”  Ernst voted against provisions of Obamacare that were debated in the Iowa Senate last session.

Ernst pointed out that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Congressman Bruce Braley has been strangely silent on the subject of Obamacare.  “Bruce Braley continues to stay silent and hide on Obamacare and now he’s got his liberal friends over at MSNBC to fight the fight for him in his absence,” Ernst said.

Her campaign released the relevant clip from Hardball on Saturday:


I’d consider this to be a badge of honor if I were in her shoes.

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