AFP LogoArlington, VA – This morning Americans for Prosperity, the nation’s foremost advocate for economic freedom, issued a statement as details of a budget deal from the Budget Conference Committee continue to emerge.

AFP President Tim Phillips had this to say:

“Two years ago, a bipartisan deal was reached by Congress and signed into law by President Obama that capped discretionary spending at $967 billion in the 2014 fiscal year. This past spring the American people sided with Republicans in the House when they stood firm in the face of President Obama’s hysterical predictions that the modest sequestration spending cuts would harm our nation.

“Now, Republicans should once again stand firm in upholding the modest sequestration spending cuts that both parties agreed to for the current fiscal year. Otherwise, Congressional Republicans are joining liberal Democrats in breaking their word to the American people to finally begin reining in government over-spending that has left us over 17 trillion in debt.

“The American people demanded, and were promised, reasonable spending limits. Politicians choosing to go back on their promise will be held accountable for their actions.”

This morning, AFP issued a key vote alert opposing any budget deal that exceeded $967 billion in spending.

Earlier this month, AFP launched a nationwide effort called No Empty Promises, which urged free-market activists to make their voice heard at local town hall meetings, and take action via phone, email, and social media.

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