Marjorie Dannenfelser

Washington, DC – In commemoration of the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which enshrined abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national pro-life group the Susan B. Anthony List, made the following remarks.

“Forty one years after Roe, women across the country are suffering at the hands of unscrupulous abortionists – while children, some old enough to feel excruciating pain, are being killed daily by the thousands. Americans are waking up to this brutality and want better for these babies and their mothers. Fortunately, the tide is turning with numerous state legislatures and the U.S. House voting in favor of historic legislation to protect babies after 20 weeks, more than halfway through pregnancy and when science shows babies feel pain.

“Now we urge the U.S. Senate to stand with the majority of Americans and vote to immediately end the barbarism of late abortion – this is the minimum that a compassionate society can do.”

Ellen Barrosse

Dannenfelser went on to praise Republican National Committeewoman Ellen Barrosse of Delaware for introducing a resolution to combat the Democrat’s “war on women” narrative and calling upon candidates to speak more effectively in support of policies that advance the pro-life cause.

Author and chief sponsor of the resolution RNC Committeewoman Ellen Barrosse said:

“The Republican Party is proudly pro-life and my resolution talks about successful strategies for connecting with American voters on the Life issue. The position on the life issue that Democrats have staked out is extreme, and we want our candidates to know how to fight back against Democrats’ deceptive, ‘war on Women’ rhetoric.”

Dannenfelser continued:

“The abortion lobby and pro-abortion extremists in the Democratic Party do not speak for the majority of Americans who support a compassionate ban on late abortion – legislation that is overwhelmingly supported by women. The SBA List is proud to stand with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and the other committeemen and women at today’s March for Life to support Barrosse’s resolution.

“The Democratic Party made an enormous mistake in abandoning its heritage and endorsing unfettered victimization of the unborn. It is never too late to return.”

The SBA List’s top priorities for 2014 include securing a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the Senate, exposing the real “war on women” including abortion industry negligence and brutality, the dangers to women, children, and conscience rights, and to defeat pro-choice incumbent senators.

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