A modified civilian AR-15 with suppressor.

(Des Moines, IA) Yesterday the Iowa House passed HF 2381 in overwhelming bipartisan fashion with a 83-16 vote.  The bill, originally HF 384, was authored by State Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley).  The bill if it passes the Senate and then signed by the Governor will legalize the use of suppressors in Iowa.  Suppressors are legal to own under federal law and in 39 states.

Suppressors are not silencers they do not eliminate the sound of a firearm.  They do reduce the muzzle report of a firearm in a similar way that a muffler reduces noise for your car.  This bill would give Iowa hunters the same opportunities given in 39 other states.

Suppressors also can improve accuracy as firearms utilizing them would have a reduced recoil and muzzle flash.  The provide hearing protection and reduce noise complaints directed at firing ranges.

During debate yesterday some of the State Representatives arguing against the bill were determined to turn the debate into a gun control argument, but the bill legalizes suppressors for law-abiding citizens.  It does not expand gun rights already protected in Iowa law.

“Currently there are 39 other states that allow their citizens to legally posses suppressors and Iowa should be no different. The benefits of using a suppressor are numerous but the main reason I introduced the bill is to expand Iowans freedoms and liberties. I am extremely hopeful that the Senate will take note of the strong bipartisan support the bill garnered out of the House and choose to send this freedom enhancing bill to the governor. Iowans from all corners of our state and all political parties are asking for this legislation and their is no justifiable reason why it should not move forward,” Windschitl told Caffeinated Thoughts.

The bill has been referred to the Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee.

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