(Dubuque, IA) Today the National Republican Congressional Committee announced that Rod Blum, Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, has been named ‘On the Radar’ as a participant in the ‘Young Guns’ program. The program, founded by Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), supports candidates in competitive races across the country who embody the principles of the House Republican Conference and show promise of running a successful campaign.

“It’s exciting to see this validation of all the hard work Rod has put in so far,” said Paul Smith, Director of Operations for the campaign. “The NRCC has very rigorous financial and organizational benchmarks that must be met for inclusion in the ‘Young Guns’ program. Today’s announcement confirms that Rod is the only candidate in this race with the ability to assemble the resources necessary to not only win the primary in June, but also to go toe to toe with the Democrats in the general election and return this seat to the GOP.”

Rod Blum is a Republican candidate for United States Congress in Iowa’s 1st District. Rod graduated with a finance degree from Loras College and received his MBA from the University of Dubuque. A lifelong resident of Dubuque and current owner of Digital Canal Corporation, he is married to Karen Blum and has five children. For more information please visit:www.RodBlum.com

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to increasing the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. For more information on the ‘Young Guns’ program, visit http://www.gopyoungguns.com/

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