(Dubuque, IA) This week, Rod Blum became the first Republican in Iowa’s First District to qualify as a candidate for Congress for the June 3rd primary election. Blum turned in over 130% of the required number of signatures, including signatures from each of the 20 counties in the First District.

“I’m grateful to each of the hundreds of volunteers who gave of their time to help out with this project,” said Blum. “It’s encouraging to see so many dedicated Republicans across the First District get excited about the amazing opportunity our campaign has to return our common sense Iowa values to Washington, DC by winning this seat in November.”

“Rod continues to demonstrate strength in all aspects of his campaign for Congress,” said Paul Smith, Director of Operations for the campaign. “The importance of an effective grassroots ground game cannot be overstated. Rod is committed to having the best field organization in this race, and we’re happy to say that the team passed this early organizational test with flying colors.”

Rod Blum is a Republican candidate for United States Congress in Iowa’s 1st District. Rod graduated with a finance degree from Loras College and received his MBA from the University of Dubuque. A lifelong resident of Dubuque and current owner of Digital Canal Corporation, he is married to Karen Blum and has five children. For more information please visit: www.RodBlum.com.

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