(Sioux City, IA) “The petitions are signed and bound, so now it is full speed ahead to June 8th,” said Sam Clovis, candidate for the U.S. Senate.  “I have traveled across Iowa and looked the voter in the eye.  I shook their hands and listened to their concerns about all that is wrong in Washington, DC.  They trust me to go to DC and not be swayed by those with deep pockets.

Sam Clovis is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Tom Harkin.  Sen. Harkin will be retiring at the end of this Congressional session.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Washington is broke and broken.”  Clovis continued by saying that the Democrat agenda is failing America.  “Look at the track record.  Cash for Clunkers, Sylondra, and the big one – Obamacare.  They have all cost the taxpayers more money out of their pockets and in many cases, their jobs.”

Sam Clovis dropped off his petitions to the Iowa Secretary of State office this morning.  This officially puts his name on the 2014 June primary ballot.  “I have garnered 6,400 signatures from 97 counties,”  He continued by saying that it feels good to have officially qualified to have his name on the  ballot.  “My ground game is strong and it keeps growing,” continued Clovis.  “I am putting together an army of supporters and we will work together to make sure that I am the next U.S. Senator from Iowa.”

Sam Clovis holds a Masters in Business Administration in Management and a Doctorate in Public Administration.  He is currently a tenured full professor at a private liberal arts college in northwest Iowa.  He served in the United States Air Force for 25 years and still provides leadership to defense and homeland security institutions.  He lives in Hinton, IA with his wife Charlotte and stepson Khan.  More information on the candidate and his campaign may be obtained at www.samclovis.com.

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