(Des Moines, IA) Today Chairman A.J. Spiker announced he has asked the state party’s organizational committee to appoint State Auditor Mary Mosiman as Chair of the Republican Party of Iowa’s state convention in June. Mosiman was appointed Auditor last year and is currently running for election in November.

“Mary is an outstanding leader within the GOP and will serve as an honest Chair of the convention,” said Spiker. “Mary has been a great asset to the state party for many years and I’m enthusiastically advising the committee to appoint her.”

The Chair will oversee the votes, points of order and rules during the Republican Party of Iowa’s state convention on June 14th.

“I’m honored to have A.J.’s support and would likewise be honored to chair the convention,” said Mosiman. “I look forward to an energizing convention and seeing Iowa’s 2,004 state convention delegates in Des Moines in June.”

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