
(Dubuque, IA) Today Rod Blum, Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s First District, announced the campaign’s first radio ad. The 60 second spot features legendary American businessman and former candidate for the GOP nomination for president, Steve Forbes.

“It is truly humbling to have Steve’s support in this election, and I am grateful to him for working with our campaign to produce this ad,” said Blum. “As Steve states in the ad, I’ve balanced a budget, met a payroll, and solved tough problems for decades in the private sector, and I believe we need more representatives in Washington, DC who bring this kind of real world experience to the critical task of getting our country’s economy back on track.”

The ad, along with a companion 30 second version, will begin running this week on WMT in Cedar Rapids, as well as in other media markets throughout the First District. The spot can be heard online by visiting:


A full transcript follows below:

Steve Forbes: “This is Steve Forbes. Today, I am proud to endorse Rod Blum for United States Congress in Iowa’s First District. Rod has balanced a budget, met a payroll, and solved tough problems for 23 years in the private sector. Even more importantly, he shares my belief in the ideals of limited government, free markets, and sound money. Rod is exactly the kind of principled, common sense leader our country needs, and I encourage Eastern Iowans from all walks of life to stand with me in supporting Rod Blum for Congress.”

Rod Blum: “This is Rod Blum, and I approve this message. If you’re like me, you’re tired of career politicians who put our children in debt, disregard the Constitution and put themselves above the law. I’m a small businessman, not a career politician, and I think it’s time we had a citizen representative in Washington, DC who will stand up for our Iowa values. I respectfully ask for your vote for U.S. House in the Republican primary on June 3rd. Together we can get America back to the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, and economic opportunity.”

Rod Blum is a Republican candidate for United States Congress in Iowa’s 1st District. The only candidate to be recognized by the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Young Guns program, Rod graduated with a finance degree from Loras College and received his MBA from the University of Dubuque. A lifelong resident of Dubuque and current owner of Digital Canal Corporation, he is married to Karen Blum and has five children. For more information please visit:

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