
(West Des Moines, IA) Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin stumped for State Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) who is running for U.S. Senate.  The event also featured U.S. Senator Debra Fischer (R-NE), former Nebraska Governor Kay Orr and Iowa Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds.

Reynolds called Ernst Iowa’s best hope to beat Bruce Braley reminding the crowd gathered about his disparaging comments about U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) at a fundraiser with trail lawyers in Texas.  She then turned on the Democratic presumptive nominee.  “Bruce Braley is kind of a chosen one.  A liberal who insults Iowa farmers and Senator Grassley behind closed doors with trial lawyers in Texas, proud of a record of fighting for 30 years against tort reform.  I’m thinking maybe we should send him back to Iowa so he can reconnect with Iowa and Iowa values,” Reynolds stated.

Fischer criticized President Obama’s performance.  “The last five years, it’s been a trial hasn’t it,” Fischer said.  “We’ve seen an economy that is struggling.  We see an economy that is sluggish because of policies that we know do not work.  We need to change that, we have to change that.”

“I haven’t been this excited about a candidate in quite a while,” Palin said during her remarks.  “Heck yeah we found a candidate.  We know we can have faith in and trust her.  She’s proven herself over and over again.  She is the right one.”

“The eyes of the nation are on her,” Palin added referencing Ernst’s recent TV ad highlighting her experience castrating hog saying she knows how to cut pork in Washington.  “Whoa, no one is going to push her around.  She is not going to be co-opted, and that is so important in Washington today because it happens so often.. too often we send them there and they get co-opted and we get so disappointed.”  Palin said it got people thinking and thanked Ernst for that and for being unique and courageous for running it.

“I love it that she introduced herself to the folks in Washington with one word… squeal,” Palin added.

Once thanking those campaigning on her behalf, Ernst departed from her standard stump speech to go after Braley.  She reminded those gathered about his role in push Obamacare giving the final speech in favor of it on the floor of the House of Representatives.  “He still supports it, and he supports it blindly know that it is hurting our hardworking Iowa families and Iowa businesses,” Ernst said.  “I have stood up against Obamacare here in the state of Iowa and I voted against the Senate Democrats when they tried to expand Medicaid as part of the UnAffordable Care Act here in the state of Iowa.”

You can watch the video from last evening below:




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