Photo credit: Marcus Qwertyus (CC-By-SA 3.0)

I read two contrasting stories that both illustrate the type pressure homosexual activists are placing on different organizations.

First you have an article at NBC News entitled “Michael Sam Waits for Call at NFL Draft” written by Erin McClam.  He was the 2013 SEC Conference Defensive Player of the Year and an All-American Defensive End for the University of Missouri.  He may find that he misses out at the NFL Draft.

Oh and he is also gay having “come out” back in February.  NBC News so far has devoted 20 news stories to this one athlete.  It is reported that he may not be drafted due to a poor showing at the NFL combine, but its likely homosexual activists will blame the fact that he is gay.

McClam writes:

If that happens, Sam could still sign with a team as an undrafted free agent and play on Sundays this fall. But it would pose a public-relations problem for the NFL, the most profitable league in America, which has never had an openly gay player.

“For them not to select him would be very problematic,” said Cyd Zeigler, the founder of OutSports.com, which published an insider account of Sam’s coming out three months ago. Fairly or not, he said, “If he isn’t selected, it’s a public black eye on the league.”

OutSports.com, if you couldn’t tell, is a website dedicated to gay athletes and sports.

Let me show my “tolerant” side here.  If he has the athletic ability to play and the skill sets NFL teams need then by all means draft him.  But to draft him to make a statement about “diversity” well what does sexual orientation have to do with playing football?

Nothing.  Being gay or straight doesn’t make a better or worse player.  If the man can pass rush, manhandle offensive linemen, tackle and provide pass coverage when the defense a team is running calls for it then I really don’t care what his sexual orientation is.  It’s irrelevant.  So if he is drafted then hopefully it is based on merit and nothing else.

We can expect an outrageous response if he is passed over I’m sure.

On the flipside while apparently being gay qualifies one for the NFL draft, being Christian, for traditional marriage, and pro-life disqualifies some from hosting an HGTV reality show.


Tuesday HGTV announced that they will not run the show Flipping Forward featuring twins David and Jason Benham who are evangelicals and graduates of Liberty University.  The concept of the show was pretty interesting.  They would help families buy a home that they thought they could never afford by flipping lower-cost properties.  The Network announced the decision on Twitter which followed an article at Right Wing Watch labeling them “anti-gay, anti-choice extremists.”

They released a statement on their Facebook page after the decision was made.

The first and last thought on our minds as we begin and end each day is; have we shined Christ’s light today? Our faith is the fundamental calling in our lives, and the centerpiece of who we are. As Christians we are called to love our fellow man. Anyone who suggests that we hate homosexuals or people of other faiths is either misinformed or lying.

Over the last decade, we’ve sold thousands of homes with the guiding principle of producing value and breathing life into each family that has crossed our path, and we do not, nor will we ever discriminate against people who do not share our views.

We were saddened to hear HGTV’s decision. With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it.

Here is a video they released yesterday.


I admire their response.  Jesus has promised that his followers will experience persecution, (John 15:18-21).  The Apostle Paul told us to expect it – “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution,” (2 Timothy 3:12, ESV).  So it shouldn’t surprise us.

Their faith and political activism should be irrelevant as well.  Especially in light of not having even aired or even doing anything deemed “inappropriate” on their show.

The double standard however is maddening though.  Hollywood actors can promote all sorts of liberal causes, have drunken binges, multiple affairs, abuse drugs, and more but if you believe in traditional marriage then you’re not qualified to be the CEO of a company you founded, a newspaper editor or star in a show on HGTV (or A&E TV until the public backlash anyway).

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