Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

(Des Moines, IA) Iowa Governor Terry Branstad easily beat his challenger Tom Hoefling 83% to 16.8% in Iowa’s Republican primary last night taking one step closer towards his goal of winning a historical sixth term.  Governor Branstad will face State Senator Jack Hatch (D-Des Moines) and Libertarian candidate Lee Hieb in the general election.  Hatch stood unopposed in the Democrat primary after State Representative Tyler Olson (D-Cedar Rapids) ended his campaign in the midst of a divorce.  Hieb did not have a contested primary.

“Iowa Republicans decided today that they want to see continued job growth, business investment, higher incomes, better schools and lower taxes,” Branstad said in a released statement. “We are thankful to the voters who supported us today and to the thousands of volunteers across the 99 counties who made this victory possible. Now we will continue to work hard through the November election to help Republicans all the way down the ticket. We look forward to having all of our Republican candidates and their supporters come together and unite for the final five months of the 2014 campaign.”

“It’s clear tonight that Republicans are energized for building Iowa’s future after seeing Iowa’s comeback over the past three years, and we are humbled by their support,” said Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds also in a released statement. “2014 is the year that Republicans in Iowa can take the open Senate and Congressional seats that could alter the balance of power in Washington, D.C. and our nominees can bring Iowa values to the nation’s capital. We will work tirelessly to help our fellow Republicans win in November and will focus on a positive message that highlights our achievements with job growth, education reform and tax cuts here in Iowa the past three years. And we want to let Iowans across the state know: we’re just getting started.”

Hoefling wrote the following message on Facebook:

We fought the political status quo, and the status quo won an overwhelming victory.

In other words, nothing important has changed. Tomorrow, they will still be murdering innocent, helpless babies in our state, under the color of “law.” Even though the supreme law of the land, and of our state, explicitly requires the equal protection of the right to life of every person.

Tomorrow, in Iowa, they will still be pretending to “marry” men to men, and women to women, even though such is an obvious violation of the laws of nature and nature’s God, and the Iowa Code.

Tomorrow, in Iowa and across our land, judges will still believe, and act as if, they rule over us, and over our constitutions and laws, with few in the executive or legislative branches with the understanding, will, and courage to disabuse them of that false notion.

Tomorrow, in Iowa, the insidious Common Core final takeover of our local schools will continue apace, with the support of our incumbent governor and the rest of the political establishment.

Tomorrow, the leaders of the State of Iowa will still be pushing crony capitalism, ie legal plunder, ie state socialism, while pretending that it is “economic development.”

Tomorrow, Iowa will still have the highest corporate tax rate in America, and one of the highest personal income tax rates in the country, higher than New York’s.

And all of that is before we even have begun to discuss what is being done to us at the national level, and will continue to be done to us tomorrow, because We the People have not yet found the will to rein them in.

One last thing, on a more encouraging note. Tomorrow I will still have the best, most principled friends and supporters in Iowa. Maybe not enough of them yet, but hey, you have to start somewhere. 26,000 people is a lot of people!

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