The Republican Governors Association released its first ad statewide on broadcast stations and cable for Iowa’s Gubernatorial Race today.  They target State Senator Jack Hatch (D-Des Moines) on property rights and his tax returns.


“Jack Hatch has been less than forthcoming on too many important issues in this campaign,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “He’s refused to release all of his tax returns and won’t talk about his support for eminent domain, leaving voters to wonder who Hatch really is. Is he the kind of honest public servant Iowans expect in their governor, or is he a big government crony who puts his personal business ventures over the needs of the state?”

Read the script below:

Real estate developer Jack Hatch won’t release all of his tax returns.

And Hatch doesn’t talk about his support for eminent domain.

Hatch voted against protecting Iowans’ private property rights.

Jack Hatch supports the government taking private property and enriching big developers like him.

Developer Jack Hatch doesn’t talk about supporting eminent domain.

And he still won’t release all his tax returns.

Come on, Jack.

What are you hiding?

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