WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new television advertisement today in the Iowa governor’s race, calling on Democrat candidate Jack Hatch to release all of his tax returns and put an end to his attempts to hide his record from the voters.


“Jack Hatch is shielding an awful lot of his record from public view for someone who wants to be governor,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Is he hiding the bulk of his tax returns because they show evidence of a conflict of interest and proof that he put his own business ventures above the needs of Iowans? It’s time for Hatch to cut the smoke and mirrors and come clean.”


Real estate developer Jack Hatch won’t release all of his tax returns.

What’s Jack hiding?

You want to be governor, Jack.

So what’s in all of your tax returns?

In the state Senate, developer Hatch sponsored a bill to increase development tax credit funding by millions of dollars, while applying for tax credits for a $50 million condominium project he was building.

Jack, isn’t that a conflict of interest?

What are you hiding?

Come on, Jack.

Release all your tax returns.

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