IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) faced off during a congressional hearing today on how it is that the Internal Revenue Service lost emails from not only ex-IRS official Lois Lerner, but also six other employees who are under investigation by Congress for targeting conservative groups.  The exchange became heated.

Ryan accused Koskinen of lying to the American people.  “I don’t believe you,” Ryan said.  “That’s your problem.  Nobody believes you.”

Ryan proceeded to outline instances where he said it has been proven that the IRS was misleading Congress and the American people.   He said the IRS has not given Congress any indication that they are being impartial.  “I don’t believe you,” Ryan repeated.  “This is incredible.”

Koskinen defended himself saying.  “I have a long career.  That is the first time somebody said, ‘I don’t believe you.’”

Ryan responded, “I don’t believe you.”

Watch the entire exchange below:

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