Congressman Bruce Braley’s campaign posted the picture below to his Facebook page yesterday.


Here is a screenshot should they decide to take it down later.


The Hobby Lobby case is an affront to our democracy,” and then they want you to sign a petition in order to farm your emails, ahem, I mean “take a stand for women’s health care.”

First, hey there Mr. Trial Lawyer, we live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Second, have you read the First Amendment lately?  Methinks not.

Third, when the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed it was done so in overwhelming bipartisan fashion (only three people voted against it) and it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat.  They seemed to understand that the freedom of religion is a freedom of religious conscience.  You don’t check that at the door just because you open a business.

Fourth, Hobby Lobby pays for 16 different types of contraceptives.  So it just seems childish to demand that they pay for the four that are deemed abortifacients.  If they really must have it, they can pay for it themselves.

A side note some liberals point out that hey they still cover vasectomies and Viagra.  Notice that men didn’t yell and scream that those were not offered under Obamacare.  It is a juvenile point.   Also neither of those are abortifacients so Hobby Lobby doesn’t mind paying for them.  They are cheaper than tubal ligation anyway, and those same liberals crying about the vasectomy coverage didn’t bother to mention tubal ligation is covered under their plans (on top of the 16 different types of contraceptives).

So let’s be clear here, this isn’t about women’s health care.  None of these abortifacients improve women’s health care.  This is about Bruce Braley wanting to deny religious conscience protections from those he disagrees with because the abortion lobby is breathing down his neck.

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