Bruce_Braley_official_110th_Congress_photo_portrait_thumb.jpgCongressman Skipped 78 Percent Of His VA Hearings

DES MOINES – While 18 of his colleagues of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee convened to discuss the FY2013 budget for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Washington liberal Bruce Braley was once again nowhere to be found.

Braley has missed 78 percent of the full Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearings, including an important oversight hearing and another regarding the nationwide problems within the VA.

“Whether it’s skipping a VA hearing on performance and accountability or the annual budget hearing of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, it’s clear Bruce Braley isn’t that concerned about the welfare of our veterans,” said Iowa Republican Party spokesman Jahan Wilcox.  “After skipping 78 percent of his House VA Committee hearings, there’s no way Bruce Braley can credibly tell our veterans that he’s looking out for them.”


Bruce Braley Skipped 78 Percent Of His Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hearings.  “In fact, we found Braley missed 78 percent of the full hearings in 2011 and 2012.”  (FACT CHECK: Iowa GOP claims Braley missed most of Veterans’ Affairs hearings, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, 07/19/14)

On February 15, 2012 Bruce Braley Skipped FY2013 Budget Request Hearing For The Department Of Veterans Affairs.  “The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:31 a.m., in Room 334, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Jeff Miller [Chairman of the Committee] presiding.  Present: Representatives Miller, Bilirakis, Roe, Johnson, Runyan, Buerkle, Huelskamp, Turner, Filner, Brown, Reyes, Michaud, Sanchez, McNerney, Donnelly, Walz, Barrow, and Carnahan.”  (U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs Budget Request For Fiscal Year 2013, U.S. Government Printing Office, 02/15/12, Accessed 07/22/14)

  • Chairman Miller’s Opening Statement Says This Hearing Pertains To The FY2013 Budget For The Department Of Veterans Affairs.  “The Chairman. Good morning, everybody. This hearing will come to order. Welcome to this morning’s hearing to review the administration’s fiscal year 2013 budget request for the Department of Veterans Affairs.”  (U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs Budget Request For Fiscal Year 2013, U.S. Government Printing Office, 02/15/12, Accessed 07/22/14)

On September 20, 2012 Bruce Braley Skipped A Full Committee Hearing Regarding The VA’s Performance And Accountability.  “The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:19 a.m., in Room 334, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Jeff Miller [Chairman of the Committee] presiding. Present: Representatives Miller, Roe, Stutzman, Flores, Johnson, Runyan, Benishek, Huelskamp, Turner, Brown, Michaud, McNerney, Walz, and Barrow.  The Chairman. The Committee will come to order.  Thank you, everybody, for being here for today’s Full Committee hearing entitled Veterans Affairs in the 112th  Congress: Reviewing VA’s Performance and Accountability.”  (Veterans Affairs In The 112th Congress: Reviewing Va’s Performance And Accountability, U.S. Government Printing Office, Accessed 07/21/14)

On October 12, 2012 Bruce Braley Skipped A Full Committee Hearing Titled “Failures At Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center: Window To A National Problem.”  “The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:05 a.m., in Room 334, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Jeff Miller [Chairman of the Committee] presiding.  Present: Representatives Miller, Lamborn, Bilirakis, Roe, Stutzman, Flores, Johnson, Denham, Runyan, Benishek, Huelskamp, Amodei, Turner, McNerney, Donnelly, Walz, and Barrow.”  (Failures At Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center: Window To A National Problem, U.S. Government Printing Office, Accessed 7/20/14)

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