
(Des Moines, IA) Today Rep. Kevin Koester (R-Ankeny), Chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, announced an investigation into Attorney General Tom Miller’s office.  Specifically, the investigation will focus on administrative practices of the Crime Victim Assistance Division (CVAD) and grants that are awarded to help the victims of violent crimes.

Victim Assistance Grants are designed to provide services to victims at the local level.  Through this review, the committee’s goal will be to determine if taxpayer money has been misspent or improperly documented.  The CVAD and these grants exist to ensure victims receive the assistance they desperately need and that the money given to these organizations is truly used to help victims.

“Our mission is twofold:  are taxpayers’ dollars being spent wisely and is that money getting to victims in need,” said Rep. Koester.

The committee will meet Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 1:00 pm to question staff from the Attorney General’s office.

Who:  House Government Oversight Committee

What: Investigation into Attorney General Tom Miller’s office

When:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Where:  Supreme Court Chamber, Iowa Capitol

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