Photo credit: Monte Goodyk

(Hampton, IA) Shawn Dietz, Republican nominee for Iowa State Senate in Senate District 27, yesterday announced the endorsement of U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).  Paul was recently on a whirlwind tour of Iowa, including a breakfast gathering with the Cerro Gordo County GOP at the Mason City Airport on August 5th.  Paul is stressing to Iowans the importance of electing Republicans in the fall elections.

Senator Paul released the following statement on his decision to endorse Dietz.  “Shawn Dietz is a principled conservative who will fight for limited government and fiscal responsibility in Des Moines. As a former mayor, Shawn understands the challenges that everyday Iowans face and will bring much needed solutions to the Iowa Senate. I have no doubt Shawn will make a fantastic State Senator. I urge everyone to support Shawn Dietz .”

Iowa Democrats hold a 26-24 advantage in the Senate chamber coming into the 2014 election, but Senator Paul hopes his message of limited government, and efforts to grow the Republican Party will help swing the balance of power back to Iowa’s citizens and taxpayers.

“Having the endorsement of Senator Rand Paul, who has become a true champion of freedom and defender of the Bill of Rights on the national stage is a huge complement to our campaign and our message,” said Dietz.  “As Iowans, we have to forge a way to promote a culture of life and opportunity for future generations.  Senator Paul believes, as I do, that the way to create this environment is through smaller government.”


Dr. Rand Paul is the junior United States Senator for Kentucky. Elected in 2010, he has proven to be an outspoken champion for Constitutional liberties and fiscal responsibility, and a warrior against government overreach. In the Senate, Rand serves on the Foreign Relations, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and Small Business Committees.

A graduate of Duke University School of Medicine, Rand was a practicing ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Ky., for 17 years.  In 1995, he founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, an organization that provides eye exams and surgery to needy families and individuals. Today, even as a U.S. Senator, he continues to provide pro-bono eye surgery to Kentuckians in need of care.

Shawn Dietz is the former Mayor of Hampton, whose young family personally felt the economic collapse that gripped the nation in 2008 as the glass coatings factory where he spent four years as a quality control technician closed its doors.  Raised in the Butler County community of Dumont, Shawn graduated from Hampton-Dumont High School in 2000, and received an Associate in Science Degree, majoring in Sales and Marketing from North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) in Mason City.  Shawn currently resides in Hampton where he works as the Program Director for a locally owned and operated media company.

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