Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the Cerro Gordo County GOP Fundraiser Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the Cerro Gordo County GOP Fundraiser
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

Shawn Dietz, Republican nominee for State Senate from District 27, announced today the endorsement of Texas Governor and 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate, Rick Perry.  Perry has made several appearances in Iowa recently, including a keynote speaking engagement at the Cerro Gordo County GOP Barbeque fundraiser on Sunday, July 20th.  As part of his message to the 200-plus in attendance, Perry stressed the importance of regaining control of the Iowa Senate, and electing “candidates like Shawn that have a clear vision for the future of Iowa.” Perry added, “Shawn Dietz holds within his grasp the majority of the Iowa Senate.”

Iowa Democrats hold a 26-24 advantage in the Senate chamber coming into the 2014 election, but Perry and a host of other prominent national Republicans hope to play a role in tilting the scales in the favor of the GOP.

“We are so pleased to have the endorsement of Governor Perry,” said Dietz.  “As Iowans look for ways to continue our upward economic trend, it’s only natural that we would look to states like Texas who have performed so admirably in the face of national economic crisis.  Texas is a state that has flourished under the conservative leadership of Governor Perry as well as a Republican legislature, and a Republican Attorney General.  Governor Perry’s endorsement of our campaign is a clear sign that he understands how urgent the need is to end the days of political road blocks in the Iowa Legislature.”

Governor Rick Perry will return to Iowa to headline fundraising events in Story and Pottawattamie Counties on August 11th and 12th.

Shawn Dietz - Republican Nominee for Iowa Senate District 27
Shawn Dietz – Republican Nominee for Iowa Senate District 27

Shawn Dietz is the former Mayor of Hampton, whose young family personally felt the economic collapse that gripped the nation in 2008 as the glass coatings factory where he spent four years as a quality control technician closed its doors. Raised in the Butler County community of Dumont, Shawn graduated from Hampton-Dumont High School in 2000, and received an Associate in Science Degree, majoring in Sales and Marketing from North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) in Mason City. Shawn currently resides in Hampton where he works as the Program Director for a locally owned and operated media company.

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