
(Des Moines, IA) The Iowa Association of Business and Industry’s Political Action Committee, representing 1,400 businesses employing more than 300,000 people, has endorsed Iowa Governor Terry Branstad in his bid for re-election.

Governor Branstad’s record of growing Iowa’s economy, creating new jobs and keeping jobs in our state were key factors in the Iowa Industry Political Action Committee (IIPAC) board’s decision to designate him a Friend of Iowa Business. The IIPAC board is a group of 11 bipartisan ABI members from across Iowa.

“Governor Branstad has proven once again his ability to lead the state out of challenging financial times and to a budget surplus. Governor Branstad’s focus on educating Iowa’s future workforce and keeping businesses in Iowa makes him the clear choice to receive the Friend of Iowa Business endorsement,” IIPAC Chairman Kirk Tyler said.

Governor Branstad is running for his sixth term as Iowa Governor. Bill Northey, who is running for his third term as Secretary of Agriculture, and Mary Mosiman, who is seeking her first full term as State Auditor, also received Friend of Iowa Business designations. IIPAC also endorsed Adam Gregg in the race for Iowa’s State Attorney General.

“As chairman of the state’s largest and oldest business organization, I am pleased the candidates the IIPAC board has selected are focused on jobs and making Iowa a better place to live and work. Our goal at ABI is to help foster the type of climate in Iowa that will keep people here,” ABI Chairman Mark Hanawalt said.

“This is a tremendous endorsement from a well-respected group that represents hundreds of thousands of working Iowans and job creators,” said Branstad-Reynolds campaign manager Jake Ketzner. “Governor Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Reynolds will continue to create good jobs and implement balanced budgets that make our state stronger, more competitive and stable for the type of economic growth we have seen since 2011.”

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of Iowa ABI,” Attorney General candidate Adam Gregg noted. “Iowa’s Attorney General has a unique position to not only help local law enforcement fight crime, but to aid the State in decreasing the tax and regulatory burden on Iowans.  I plan to be active in all of these areas as Iowa’s next Attorney General.”

ABI also endorsed candidates for the Legislature. IIPAC conducts in-person candidate interviews, reviews questionnaires and takes into consideration candidates’ voting records and positions on business issues when endorsing Friends of Iowa Business.

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