Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds’s campaign today released its eighth TV ad for general election campaign for Iowa Governor.

“Governor Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Reynolds have brought Iowa back from the depths of widespread unemployment and bad budgeting to a growing economy and better future for Iowans,” said Branstad-Reynolds campaign manager Jake Ketzner.

“This ad helps to provide perspective and contrast to the situation that Iowa faced in 2011 against the continuing successes that Iowa has seen under the Branstad-Reynolds administration,” he added.

Also former Iowa Secretary of State and Mayor of Cedar Rapids, Paul D. Pate has released a new web video titled, “Service” in the Iowa Secretary of State race.

The full transcript is below.

I’ve devoted much of my life to building relationships with people from all political parties… so together… we could make government work for you.

I previously served as Secretary of State… as well as State Senator… and Mayor of Cedar Rapids.

Now…. many of our state leaders have encouraged me to return to the Secretary of State’s Office… and I have accepted the challenge to once again… help make government work for you.

Iowa needs a proven leader who will promote voter participation while ensuring safeguards to protect the integrity of the election process.

A leader who will serve the business community without political motives.

A leader with a proven record of making the Secretary of State’s Office work for you.

The Secretary of State is Iowa’s chief commissioner of elections who is also responsible for serving the business community in a number of ways… including articles of incorporation filings, and uniform commercial codes.

As a nationally recognized small business leader by the United States Small Business Administration, I understand the value of having a good working relationship between the office’s business services division and Iowa’s job creators.

I believe my professional experience matters… and, I also believe it is important that you know a little bit more about Paul Pate… away from work.  I am a lifelong Iowan born in Ottumwa and raised in Cedar Rapids.  My wife Jane and I have been married for 35 years….we have been blessed with three great children and five grandchildren.

I believe strongly in public service and civic mindedness.  That is why I volunteer as a Boy Scout leader and as a squadron leader in the Civil Air Patrol… I am passionate about giving back to the state that has provided so many opportunities for me and my family.

On November 4th, I ask that you consider casting a vote for a proven public servant, Paul Pate for Iowa’s next Secretary of State.  Thank you and god bless the great state of Iowa.”

A nationally recognized small business leader by the Small Business Administration, Pate is the owner of a paving construction firm in Marion and recently served as Mayor of Cedar Rapids from 2002 -2006.  While Mayor, Pate was elected President of the non-partisan Iowa League of Cities representing over 870 municipalities.  Previously, he served as Iowa Secretary of State from 1995-1999 and represented NE Cedar Rapids, Marion and parts of Linn, Buchanan and Delaware Counties in the Iowa Senate from 1989-1995.

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