Jeff George and Shane Vander Hart in the KTIA Studio
Jeff George and Shane Vander Hart in the KTIA Studio
Jeff George and Shane Vander Hart in the KTIA Studio

On our last episode Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk with Erik Stanley of Alliance Defending Freedom about their efforts to obtain information from the IRS regarding the secret deal they made with the Freedom from Religion Foundation promising to investigate churches.  They also discuss Pulpit Freedom Sunday which is October 5th.  Why is it important for churches and pastors to participate?

The guys also discuss a recent GAO report that shows Obamacare does fund abortions with Allison Howard of Concerned Women for America.  Howard also plugs the Rally for Israel with Governor Mike Huckabee.

Jeff George, owner of Providence Industrial Electronics Repair joins Brian and Shane in studio, to talk about his business and why he helped sponsor The Caffeinated Thoughts Briefing which took place over the weekend.  The guys also talk about the serious threat of ISIS entering the U.S. via the southern border; plus the Iowa Supreme Court places a stay on the Iowa Board of Medicine’s ruling on webcam abortions.

Remember you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on KTIA 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines/Ames Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also we are on iTunes!

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